Alexandra Woo is a 5th grader at Glen Grove Elementary School in Glenview, Illinois. She began her formal piano training three years ago under Ms. Sueanne Metz. Her artistry, skills and passion about playing piano were soon recognized by her teacher and piano judicators. She has won numerous first prizes in piano competitions, including first place in North Shore Music Teachers Association in 2010, prize winner in Illinois State Music Teachers Association in 2010, first place in Illinois Music Association competition in 2009, first place in International Youth Praise Festival in 2008, prize winner in Chopin Youth Piano competition in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2008, and first place in Granquist Music Competition in 2009. She also has performed in many recital halls including prestigious ones such as the Carnegie Hall in New York City in June 2010, and the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. in November 2008. She also plays the oboe in her school band, and enjoys hip pop dancing and making her favorite waffle. Being a student in the enrichment math and reading program, she is an avid reader and aspires to become a lawyer when she grows up.
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